class: center, middle # Introduction to Linked Data ## Alexandre Bertails [@bertails](
permalink: --- ## once upon a time, the Web * URL * HTTP * HTML --- ## let's start with an example taken from ``` @prefix schema:
. @prefix profile:
. @prefix ex:
. @prefix rdf:
a schema:Person ; schema:alternateName "TimBL" ; profile:first_name "Tim" ; profile:last_name "Berners-Lee" ; schema:workLocation [ schema:name "W3C/MIT" ] ; schema:performerIn _:b1, _:b2 ; ex:preferredLanguages ( "en" "fr" ). _:b1 schema:name "F2F5 - Linked Data Platform" ; schema:url
. _:b2 a schema:Event ; schema:name "TED 2009" ; schema:startDate "2009-02-04" ; schema:url
. ``` --- ## one model, several syntaxes awesome online RDF converter: []( #### default JSON-LD output ``` { "@graph" : [ { "@id" : "_:b1", "@type" : "schema:Event", "name" : "TED 2009", "startDate" : "2009-02-04", "url" : "" }, { "@id" : "_:b2", "name" : "F2F5 - Linked Data Platform", "url" : "" }, { "@id" : "_:b3", "name" : "W3C/MIT" }, { "@id" : "", "@type" : "schema:Person", "ex:preferredLanguages" : { "@list" : [ "en", "fr" ] }, "first_name" : "Tim", "last_name" : "Berners-Lee", "alternateName" : "TimBL", "performerIn" : [ "_:b1", "_:b2" ], "workLocation" : "_:b3" } ], ... } ``` Not pretty, but that's the same data! (see [graph isomorphism]( --- ## graph visualization from RDF/XML and the [W3C RDF(/XML
) Validator]( [.sized[![RDF graph](rdf-graph.png)]](rdf-graph.png) --- ## JSON-LD [1/2] In the [JSON-LD Playground](, we can play with the **context** and the **frame** to change the shape of the data: ``` { "@id": "", "@type": "schema:Person", "preferredLanguages": [ "en", "fr" ], "first_name": "Tim", "last_name": "Berners-Lee", "alternateName": "TimBL", "performerIn": [ { "@id": "_:b0", "@type": "schema:Event", "name": "TED 2009", "startDate": "2009-02-04", "url": "" }, ... } ``` Once again, this is the very same data. --- ## JSON-LD [2/2] * without a context **and** a frame, JSON-LD won't be used by Web Developers * JSON-LD encourages you to work on a tree, while RDF is a graph * don't sacrifice correctness for "pragmatism": JSON itself is usually not enough for data --- ## the RDF 1.1 data model as defined in [RDF 1.1 Concepts]( ``` graph ::= Set(triple) triple ::= (node, iri, node) node ::= iri | bnode | literal iri ::= URI with Unicode bnode ::= local node identifier literal ::= (lexicalForm, datatype, Option(lang)) lexicalForm ::= string datatype ::= iri lang ::= string ``` --- ## some examples * `
` is a IRI * `xsd:integer` is a prefixed IRI for
* `_:b2719` is a Blank Node * `"foo"` is a string literal (`"foo"`, `xsd:string`, no lang) * `42` is an integer (`"42"`, `xsd:integer`, no lang) * `"foo"@en` is an i18ned string ("foo", `rdf:langString`, `"en"`) --- ## datasets ``` dataset ::= (graph, Set(namedGraph)) namedGraph ::= (graphName, graph) graphName ::= iri | bnode ``` in plain English: a **dataset** is made of one **default graph** and a collection of **named graphs**, graphs with a name (either IRI or Blank Node). ### differents contexts *database* vs the *web* --- ## Semantic Web^W^WLinked Data timeline source: [Marin Dimitrov, CTO @ Ontotext]( [.sized80[![Semantic Web timeline](semantic-web-timeline.png)]](semantic-web-timeline.png) --- ## to go further ### technologies * []( * [JSON-LD in Gmail]( * [Facebook's Open Graph protocol]( * [Linked Data Platform 1.0]( ### datasets * *