class: center, middle # Visitor Pattern, Catamorphism and Algebraic Data Type Alexandre Bertails, Pellucid Analytics [@bertails]( --- # constructing/evaluating expressions `1 * 2 + 3` evaluates to `5` --- # classes as tags for types ```scala class Num(val n: Int) class Sum(val l: Any, val r: Any) class Prod(val l: Any, val r: Any) object Expr { def eval(expr: Any): Int = expr match { case num: Num => num.n case sum: Sum => eval(sum.l) + eval(sum.r) case prod: Prod => eval(prod.l) * eval(prod.r) } } val expr = new Sum(new Prod(new Num(1), new Num(2)), new Num(3)) println(Expr.eval(expr)) // prints 5 ``` --- # typesafe expressions ```scala trait Expr class Num(val n: Int) extends Expr class Sum(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr class Prod(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr object Expr { def eval(expr: Expr): Int = expr match { case num: Num => num.n case sum: Sum => eval(sum.l) + eval(sum.r) case prod: Prod => eval(prod.l) * eval(prod.r) } } val expr = new Sum(new Prod(new Num(1), new Num(2)), new Num(3)) println(Expr.eval(expr)) // prints 5 ``` --- # subtyping ```scala trait Expr { def eval(): Int } class Num(val n: Int) extends Expr { def eval(): Int = n } class Sum(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr { def eval(): Int = l.eval() + r.eval() } class Prod(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr { def eval(): Int = l.eval() * r.eval() } val expr = new Sum(new Prod(new Num(1), new Num(2)), new Num(3)) println(expr.eval()) // prints 5 ``` --- # visitor pattern as in GoF [1/2] ```scala trait Expr { def accept(visitor: Visitor): Unit } class Num(val n: Int) extends Expr { def accept(visitor: Visitor): Unit = visitor.visit(this) } class Sum(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr { def accept(visitor: Visitor): Unit = visitor.visit(this) } class Prod(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr { def accept(visitor: Visitor): Unit = visitor.visit(this) } trait Visitor { def visit(num: Num): Unit def visit(sum: Sum): Unit def visit(prod: Prod): Unit } ``` --- # visitor pattern as in GoF [2/2] ```scala final class Eval() extends Visitor { var result: Int = 0 def visit(num: Num): Unit = { result = num.n } def visit(sum: Sum): Unit = { sum.l.accept(this) val lresult = result sum.r.accept(this) val rresult = result result = lresult + rresult } def visit(prod: Prod): Unit = { prod.l.accept(this) val lresult = result prod.r.accept(this) val rresult = result result = lresult * rresult } } val expr = new Sum(new Prod(new Num(1), new Num(2)), new Num(3)) val statefulVisitor = new Eval() expr.accept(statefulVisitor) println(statefulVisitor.result) // prints 5 ``` --- # visitor pattern with generics [1/2] ```scala trait Expr { def accept[T](visitor: Visitor[T]): T } class Num(val n: Int) extends Expr { def accept[T](visitor: Visitor[T]): T = visitor.visit(this) } class Sum(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr { def accept[T](visitor: Visitor[T]): T = visitor.visit(this) } class Prod(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr { def accept[T](visitor: Visitor[T]): T = visitor.visit(this) } trait Visitor[T] { def visit(num: Num): T def visit(sum: Sum): T def visit(prod: Prod): T } ``` --- # visitor pattern with generics [2/2] ```scala final class Eval() extends Visitor[Int] { def visit(num: Num): Int = num.n def visit(sum: Sum): Int = sum.l.accept(this) + sum.r.accept(this) def visit(prod: Prod): Int = prod.l.accept(this) * prod.r.accept(this) } val expr = new Sum(new Prod(new Num(1), new Num(2)), new Num(3)) println(expr.accept(new Eval())) // prints 5 ``` --- # visitor/catamorphism [1/2] ```scala trait Expr { def accept[T]( fnum: Num => T, fsum: Sum => T, fprod: Prod => T): T = this match { case num: Num => fnum(num) case sum: Sum => fsum(sum) case prod: Prod => fprod(prod) } } class Num(val n: Int) extends Expr class Sum(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr class Prod(val l: Expr, val r: Expr) extends Expr ``` --- # visitor/catamorphism [2/2] ```scala def eval(expr: Expr): Int = expr.accept( num => num.n, sum => eval(sum.l) + eval(sum.r), prod => eval(prod.l) * eval(prod.r) ) val expr = new Sum(new Prod(new Num(1), new Num(2)), new Num(3)) println(eval(expr)) // prints 5 ``` --- # algebraic data type ```scala sealed trait Expr case class Num(n: Int) extends Expr case class Sum(l: Expr, r: Expr) extends Expr case class Prod(l: Expr, r: Expr) extends Expr def eval(expr: Expr): Int = expr match { case Num(n) => n case Sum(l, r) => eval(l) + eval(r) case Prod(l, r) => eval(l) * eval(r) } val expr = new Sum(new Prod(new Num(1), new Num(2)), new Num(3)) println(eval(expr)) // prints 5 ``` --- # Option[A] data type ```scala sealed trait Option[+A] case class Some[+A](x: A) extends Option[A] case object None extends Option[Nothing] def flatten[T](oo: Option[Option[T]]): Option[T] = oo match { case None => None case Some(None) => None case Some(Some(x)) => Some(x) } assert(flatten(Some(Some(42))) == Some(42)) assert(flatten(Some(None)) == None) ``` --- # class hierarchy for Option[A] .center[] --- # deconstructing Scala case classes [1/2] ## existence of types & subtyping information ```scala type OptionInt type SomeInt <: OptionInt type None <: OptionInt ``` --- # deconstructing Scala case classes [2/2] ## injectors ```scala def some(x: Int): OptionInt def none: OptionInt ``` ## deconstructors ```scala def fold[T](opt: OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T ``` --- # abstracted case classes ```scala trait OptionModule { type OptionInt type SomeInt <: OptionInt type None <: OptionInt def some(x: Int): OptionInt def none: OptionInt def fold[T](opt: OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T } ``` --- # building stuff on top of the abstraction ```scala trait ShowOption extends OptionModule { def show(opt: OptionInt): String = fold(opt)("None", x => s"Some($x)") } ``` --- # OptionInt as visitor [1/2] ```scala trait OptionVisitorModule extends OptionModule { trait OptionInt { def accept[T](visitor: Visitor[T]): T } class SomeInt(val x: Int) extends OptionInt { def accept[T](visitor: Visitor[T]): T = visitor.visit(this) } class None() extends OptionInt { def accept[T](visitor: Visitor[T]): T = visitor.visit(this) } trait Visitor[T] { def visit(none: None): T def visit(some: SomeInt): T } ``` --- # OptionInt as visitor [2/2] ```scala def some(x: Int): OptionInt = new SomeInt(x) val none: OptionInt = new None() def fold[T](opt: OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T = opt.accept(new Visitor[T] { def visit(none: None): T = ifNone def visit(someInt: SomeInt): T = ifSome(someInt.x) }) } ``` --- # OptionInt as scala.class[.]Option[Int] ```scala trait ScalaOptionModule extends OptionModule { type OptionInt = scala.Option[Int] type SomeInt = scala.Some[Int] type None = scala.None.type def some(x: Int): OptionInt = Some(x) val none: OptionInt = scala.None def fold[T](opt: OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T = opt match { case scala.None => ifNone case scala.Some(x) => ifSome(x) } } ``` --- # using the abstraction ```scala trait Program extends App with OptionModule with ShowOption { val opt = some(42) println(show(opt)) // will print Some(42) } object MainWithVisitor extends Program with OptionVisitorModule object MainWithScalaOption extends Program with ScalaOptionModule ``` --- # modules as a cake (pattern) [1/3] ```scala trait OptionModule { type OptionInt type SomeInt <: OptionInt type None <: OptionInt def Option: OptionLike trait OptionLike { def some(x: Int): OptionInt def none: OptionInt def fold[T](opt: OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T } } ``` --- # modules as a cake (pattern) [2/3] ```scala trait ScalaOptionModule extends OptionModule { type OptionInt = scala.Option[Int] type SomeInt = scala.Some[Int] type None = scala.None.type object Option extends OptionLike { def some(x: Int): OptionInt = Some(x) val none: OptionInt = scala.None def fold[T](opt: OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T = opt match { case scala.None => ifNone case scala.Some(x) => ifSome(x) } } } ``` --- # modules as a cake (pattern) [3/3] ```scala trait ShowOption extends OptionModule { object Show { def show(opt: OptionInt): String = Option.fold(opt)("None", x => s"Some($x)") } } trait Program extends App with OptionModule with ShowOption { val opt = Option.some(42) println( // will print Some(42) } object MainWithScalaOption extends Program with ScalaOptionModule ``` --- # modules as a typeclass ## aka modules a la ML ```scala trait OptionSig { type OptionInt type SomeInt <: OptionInt type None <: OptionInt } trait OptionOps[Sig <: OptionSig] { def some(x: Int): Sig#OptionInt def none: Sig#OptionInt def fold[T](opt: Sig#OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T } ``` --- # functors a la ML ```scala class Show[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]) { import ops._ def show(opt: Sig#OptionInt): String = fold(opt)("None", x => s"Some($x)") } ``` --- # implementations as typeclass instances ```scala trait ScalaOption extends OptionSig { type OptionInt = scala.Option[Int] type SomeInt = scala.Some[Int] type None = scala.None.type } object ScalaOption { implicit object Ops extends OptionOps[ScalaOption] { def some(x: Int): ScalaOption#OptionInt = Some(x) val none: ScalaOption#OptionInt = scala.None def fold[T](opt: ScalaOption#OptionInt)(ifNone: => T, ifSome: Int => T): T = opt match { case scala.None => ifNone case scala.Some(x) => ifSome(x) } } implicit object Show extends Show[ScalaOption] } ``` --- # programs as functors ```scala class Program[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit Ops: OptionOps[Sig], Show: Show[Sig]) extends App { import Ops._ import Show._ val opt = some(42) println(show(opt)) // will print Some(42) } object MainWithScalaOption extends Program[ScalaOption] ``` --- # deriving functors automatically ```scala class Show[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]) { import ops._ def show(opt: Sig#OptionInt): String = fold(opt)("None", x => s"Some($x)") } object Show { def apply[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]): Show[Sig] = new Show[Sig] } class Program[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit Ops: OptionOps[Sig]) extends App { import Ops._ val S = Show[Sig] import S._ val opt = some(42) println(show(opt)) // will print Some(42) } object MainWithScalaOption extends Program[ScalaOption] ``` --- # parameterized Option[A] ```scala import scala.language.higherKinds trait OptionSig { type Option[+_] type Some[+A] <: Option[A] type None <: Option[Nothing] } trait OptionOps[Sig <: OptionSig] { def some[A](x: A): Sig#Some[A] def none: Sig#None def fold[A, B](opt: Sig#Option[A])(ifNone: => B, ifSome: A => B): B } ``` --- # Show functor ```scala class Show[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]) { import ops._ // the type argument is provided on the call site def show[A](opt: Sig#Option[A]): String = fold(opt)("None", x => s"Some(${x.toString})") } object Show { implicit def apply[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]): Show[Sig] = new Show[Sig] } ``` --- # Option[A] as scala.class[.]Option[A] ```scala trait ScalaOption extends OptionSig { type Option[+A] = scala.Option[A] type Some[+A] = scala.Some[A] type None = scala.None.type } object ScalaOption { implicit object Ops extends OptionOps[ScalaOption] { def some[A](x: A): ScalaOption#Some[A] = scala.Some(x) val none: ScalaOption#None = scala.None def fold[A, B](opt: ScalaOption#Option[A])(ifNone: => B, ifSome: A => B): B = opt match { case scala.None => ifNone case scala.Some(x) => ifSome(x) } } } ``` --- # a program using Option[A] ```scala class Program[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit Ops: OptionOps[Sig], Show: Show[Sig]) extends App { import Ops._ import Show._ val opt: Sig#Option[Int] = some(42) println(show(opt)) // will print Some(42) } object MainWithScalaOption extends Program[ScalaOption] ``` --- # Flatten functor ```scala class Flatten[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]) { import ops._ def flatten[A](oo: Sig#Option[Sig#Option[A]]): Sig#Option[A] = fold(oo)( none, someOpt => fold(someOpt)( none, someA => some(someA) ) ) } object Flatten { implicit def apply[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]): Flatten[Sig] = new Flatten[Sig] } ``` --- # using Flatten ```scala class Program[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit Ops: OptionOps[Sig], Show: Show[Sig], Flatten: Flatten[Sig]) extends App { import Ops._ import Show._ println(show(Flatten.flatten(some(some(42))))) // will print Some(42) } object MainWithScalaOption extends Program[ScalaOption] ``` --- # enhanced syntax for Option[A] how to write ``? -- ```scala class OptionW[Sig <: OptionSig, T](val opt: Sig#Option[T]) extends AnyVal { def show(implicit S: Show[Sig]): String = } class OptionOptionW[Sig <: OptionSig, T](val oo: Sig#Option[Sig#Option[T]]) extends AnyVal { def flatten(implicit F: Flatten[Sig]): Sig#Option[T] = F.flatten(oo) } class Syntax[Sig <: OptionSig] { implicit def optionW[T](opt: Sig#Option[T]): OptionW[Sig, T] = new OptionW[Sig, T](opt) implicit def optOptW[T](oo: Sig#Option[Sig#Option[T]]): OptionOptionW[Sig, T] = new OptionOptionW[Sig, T](oo) } object Syntax { implicit def apply[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit ops: OptionOps[Sig]): Syntax[Sig] = new Syntax[Sig] } ``` --- # using Syntax ```scala class Program[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit Ops: OptionOps[Sig], Syntax: Syntax[Sig]) extends App { import Ops._ import Syntax._ println(some(some(42)) // will print Some(42) } object MainWithScalaOption extends Program[ScalaOption] ``` --
: no explicit instance of `Flatten[Sig]` or `Show[Sig]` needed --- # Option[A] as java.class[.]util.class[.]Optional[A] ```scala import java.util.Optional import java.util.function.{ Function => F, Supplier } trait Java8Option extends OptionSig { type Option[+A] = Optional[_ <: A] type Some[+A] = Optional[_ <: A] type None = Optional[Nothing] } object Java8Option { implicit object Ops extends OptionOps[Java8Option] { def some[A](x: A): Java8Option#Some[A] = Optional.of(x) val none: Java8Option#None = Optional.empty() def fold[A, B](opt: Java8Option#Option[A])(ifNone: => B, ifSome: A => B): B = { def f = new F[A, B] { def apply(a: A): B = ifSome(a) } def supplier = new Supplier[B] { def get(): B = ifNone }[B](f).orElseGet(supplier) } } } ``` --- # Option[A] as Any and Null ```scala trait NullOption extends OptionSig { type Option[+A] = Any type Some[+A] = Any type None = Null } object NullOption { implicit object Ops extends OptionOps[NullOption] { def some[A](x: A): NullOption#Some[A] = x val none: NullOption#None = null def fold[A, B](opt: NullOption#Option[A])(ifNone: => B, ifSome: A => B): B = { if (opt == null) ifNone else ifSome(opt.asInstanceOf[A]) } } } ``` --- # they all work the same way ```scala class Program[Sig <: OptionSig](implicit Ops: OptionOps[Sig], Syntax: Syntax[Sig]) extends App { import Ops._ import Syntax._ println(Some(Some(42)) // will print Some(42) } object MainWithScalaOption extends Program[ScalaOption] object MainWithJava8Option extends Program[Java8Option] object MainWithNullOption extends Program[NullOption] ``` --- # sources Code at * typecasting.scala * typecasting2.scala * subtyping.scala * visitor-state.scala * visitor-generics.scala * visitor-cata.scala * pattern-matching.scala * option-pattern-matching.scala * option-abstraction.scala * option-cake.scala * option-typeclass.scala * option-typeclass2.scala * option-parameterized.scala * option-flatten.scala * option-syntax.scala * option-impls.scala Slides at --- # Some links * *